Atomic Energy of Canada Limited


In light of the changing circumstances surrounding COVID-19 and in line with other international and Canadian institutions and organizations, AECL is remaining abreast of the current situation and taking precautions to ensure the health and safety of its employees; partners; collaborators; visitors and of the public.

Through its Health and Safety Committee, AECL continues to update its plan and protocol for COVID-19, based on the most up-to-date information available from the World Health Organization, the Government of Canada and provincial public health authorities. At this time, AECL has implemented a number of measures to help reduce the risk of infection and slow the spread of the virus, including eliminating non-essential travel, and encouraging employees to work from home.

While at this time the risk to AECL employees may be low, we are cognizant that the situation continues to evolve. AECL will continue to take steps to mitigate risk and prepare for various scenarios, as informed by federal and provincial authorities.

AECL is also overseeing the actions on the part of Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) to prepare for the ongoing safe operations of AECL sites. For more information, please visit CNL’s website.